'Hey hey bujobabes! Today I\'m setting up my October fitness bullet journal spreads. There\'s not much to say since they\'re pretty simple spreads, but I hope you enjoy all the same! My fitness/health/weight loss journey has been rough lately; I haven\'t been motivated and I haven\'t been using my journal that often either; and I\'ll be talking about that a bit in the video. Thanks for watching! #fitnessjournal2020 #fitnessbulletjournalsetup2020'
Tags: Weight loss , weight loss journey , Activity Tracker , workout tracker , fitness bullet journal , health and fitness bullet journal , health and fitness tracker bullet journal , fitness bullet journal setup , fitness bullet journal setup 2020 , fitness journal 2020 , bullet journal activity tracker , how to make a fitness bullet journal , bullet journal fitness plan , health adn fitness bullet journal , health and fitness bullet jorunal , fitness bullet jorunal , Weight loss journey chit chat
See also: hot , Real , Cooking , christian guzman , shredding , �squat � , beginner workout , pl , ce , vlog